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man riding a motorcycle fast on the road

What To Do During and After a Motorcycle Accident

Table of Contents for Specific Topics

Owning a motorcycle can be satisfying for many reasons. They are more convenient to use and offer greater mobility compared to cars and trucks. They occupy little space, making parking and traffic less of an issue as they can fit through narrow spaces, roads, and passageways. Motorcycles are also much more fuel efficient and easier to maintain since they are cheaper to repair compared to cars.

However, as convenient and stylish motorcycles can be, owning and riding one still entails various risks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycles are more likely to be involved in a road-related incident than cars since motorcycles run and cruise at higher speeds compared to other vehicles on the road.

The smaller frame of motorcycles also makes collisions deadlier since they are harder to see on the road. The slightest road hazards or uneven terrain can make you lose balance and control and risk crashing into other vehicles or objects. Finally, the absence of a barrier between the rider and the road makes riding motorcycles more dangerous as you are immediately exposed to the road if a crash does occur.

How to React to A Crash

One must always be ready in case of a motorcycle accident. Keep in mind the following precautions and measures that you must do if you find yourself in a motorcycle accident in the future:

Let Go of the Bike When You are About to Crash

Letting go of your bike instead of hanging on to it when you are about to collide is highly advisable to minimize injuries and damages. Releasing the handlebars of your bike is better since you avoid its fast forward momentum, allowing you to avoid getting stuck and colliding with the bike. While you will still sustain injuries when you release your bike, this is a preferred scenario compared to risking further damage when you hold on and try to control your motorcycle.

Be Extra Attentive Immediately After the Crash

Right after you fall off your bike and come to a complete stop, it is vital for you to be aware of your surroundings. Be calm as panic will only worsen the situation. Make sure there is no more immediate danger around such as a post-crash pileup. Scan your body and confirm what kind of injuries you might have sustained and how severe they are. Be alert for other potential dangers such as gas leaks and possible fires or explosions around you. Once everything has settled, take photos of the scene of the incident if you are strong enough

Obtain and Fix All Necessary Information Related to the Incident

After the incident, it is important that you remain silent and wait for things to settle before having assumptions as to who was at fault. It is vital that you get all needed information, from securing eye witness accounts and CCTV footage of the incident to getting the personal information of those involved, for you to build a strong case. It is highly advisable that you get a competent lawyer for proper legal representation to ensure that your case moves at a reasonable pace. Doing all these will help you get the appropriate compensation from those at fault.

Prevention is Still The Best Solution to Road Accidents

Avoiding accidents will always be the number one priority when you are a motorist. Preventing the occurrence of physical injuries and property damage due to collisions is better than paying for damages and encountering possible legal battles.

Motorcycle safety courses, for example, teach motorists what not to do on the road. This is a much-needed course since most riders lack knowledge of road rules and regulations. In 2017, it was concluded that 31% of fatally injured motorcycle drivers were operating without a valid driver’s license. Negligence while driving motorcycles must be highly avoided to ensure the safety of all people on the road.

Hire an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

Proper legal representation is essential for you to get proper amounts in damages and get the justice you deserve from motorcycle accidents. Never make the mistake of reaching for a settlement with the party at fault as they may take advantage of your lack of legal knowledge. Doing so might result in you getting less than the proper amount of compensation you deserve or forfeiting your claims unintentionally and getting no compensation from the party at fault.

Avoid insurance adjusters and defense attorneys who will challenge and negotiate down your claims by hiring competent and experienced motorcycle attorneys in Los Angeles. We at Mesriani Law provide top-notch service regardless of the value of your claims. We also offer a No Win, No Fee policy which means you don’t have to pay for our legal services if we don’t win you the justice you deserve.

About the Author
Picture of Rodney Mesriani
Rodney Mesriani

Rodney Mesriani is the principal partner of the Los Angeles and Santa Monica based Mesriani Law Group. He specializes in personal injury and employment law while also being an accomplished litigator and trial attorney. Rodney is an aggressive negotiator and a well-known and respected attorney in the areas of practice he specializes in.

He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from California State University Northridge before attending Southwestern School of Law where he received his Juris Doctorate. While being an accomplished personal injury and employment lawyer, Rodney Mesriani has made it a point to attend numerous State Sponsored MCLE events and seminars over the years as a law practitioner to be informed of the latest laws and litigation strategies.



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